(Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Mk 1:7-11)
Please pray with us that all the faithful will respond more fully to their baptismal call and that many will answer the call to serve God as vowed Franciscan men and women:
Almighty, eternal,
just and merciful God,
give to your faithful people
the grace to do
for You alone
what you want us to do and
always to desire
what pleases You.
Inwardly cleansed,
interiorly enlightened
and inflamed by the fire
of the Holy Spirit,
may we be able to follow
in the footprints
of Your beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
and, by Your grace alone,
make our way to You,
Most High,
Who live and rule
in perfect Trinity
and simple Unity,
and are glorified
God almighty,
forever and ever.
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